Isabell Kardas

Isabell Kardas
Isabell Kardas Account Manager

Isabell Kardas

Account Manager

What I have done…

My passion for languages, foreign cultures and traveling was practically ingrained in me as a German-Polish native, so it was clear to me right after finishing school: Let’s go abroad first. During a three-month hotel internship on Tenerife, I not only discovered the beautiful island, but also learned Spanish. During my bachelor studies in Tourism and Travel Management, I realized my passion for Latin America, which is why I spent my studies abroad in Argentina and also gained further experience in the tourism sector at a specialized tour operator for Latin America. After successfully completing my studies, I worked for a GSA for 1,5 years, where I supported various international airlines in sales and marketing. In 2018, I made a small detour outside of tourism to a live communication agency in Düsseldorf. There, I worked as project manager for exhibitions and events for almost 3,5 years. Since January 2022, I am happy to dedicate myself again to tourism and to be part of the GCE team.

What I do now…

As Account Manager I am responsible for different destination clients, such as Miami and Teneriffa, in the area of sales and marketing. 

What I do for fun...

Just like all of us, I can hardly imagine a life without traveling. But it doesn’t have to be far away. Exploring new cafes, restaurants or exciting spots in Frankfurt and the surrounding area already makes me the happiest person.I also like cooking, dancing salsa and spending a lot of time with friends. People who know me well are aware: I am in love with Latin America. Mate, Reggaeton music and South American food… That’s where my heart goes.

What I bring to GCE...

Vamos – is my motto! Goal-oriented and with a lot of power, I support the GCE team and our destination clients. Good communication is very important to me – no matter if in German, English, Spanish or Polish. I am reliable, flexible and enthusiastic about foreign cultures, new countries and places. It is great to be part of such an international and diverse team as GCE and to be able to share your travel experiences within the team as well as with clients.

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About GCE

Global Communication Experts has been active in our core markets of Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 2009 and is successful around the globe with close partners.


Global Communication Experts GmbH
Hanauer Landstraße 184
60314 Frankfurt
Phone +49 69 17 53 71 – 00